Bad Credit Mortgages

There are mortgages available for people with a bad credit rating if you know where to look. Perhaps you’ve missed a few credit card payments, had a County Court Judgment awarded against you or have previously been made bankrupt leaving you with a poor credit rating. If this has left you wondering whether you can get a mortgage, there’s no need to panic, there are still options open to you. Bad credit mortgages are also known as sub-prime mortgages or adverse credit mortgages, and can help people with poor credit histories get on the property ladder. Interest rates and charges tend to be higher as people with poor credit ratings are deemed to be a higher risk. But after a few years of paying a bad credit mortgage on time it should ‘repair’ your credit rating sufficiently to be able to move to a standard mortgage. Get in touch with Simply Mortgage Place Ltd today to discuss your circumstances.

“Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage”

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